Are you damaging your face??
Everyone should have a good skincare routine - it's all about repetition of steps you have to do each and everyday. But are you repeating the right steps?? These are 19 common mistakes everyone should avoid:
* Over Exfoliating
* Sleeping in Your Makeup
*Not Cleansing Properly
*Using Cotton Pillow Cases
*Not Wearing Sunscreen Everyday
*Picking At Your Face
*Using Dirty Makeup Brushes
*Not applying Products in the Correct Order
*Over-Using ALL of Your Products (Not Just Exfoliants)
*Popping Pimples
*Sleeping with Your Hair Down
*Not Washing Sheets & Pillows Frequently Enough
*Not Getting Enough Sleep
*Drying Out Your Skin
*Unhealthy Diet
*Not Moisturizing Oily Skin
*Using Too Many Products at Night
*Taking Too-Hot Showers
*Not Educating Yourself on the Products You Are Using