LED Treatments Day 6 of 7
Color of the day....CLEAR BLUE (wavelength 440nm)
CLEAR BLUE LED can enhance cell energy gradually, and has a good metabolism facilitating effect
Aside form treating skin related conditions, blue light therapy can also be use for treating other types of medical issues.
Blue light therapy can assist with the suppression of the physical symptoms of depressive illnesses, especially Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).Lack of natural light during the winter months can lead to a depressed mood, lack of energy, lapses in concentration, and fatigue. Natural sunlight is the best way of combating seasonal depression, but during the dark winters this often isn’t available and so the artificial light of Blue Light therapy is an effective alternative.
Insomnia can be caused by exposure to artificial lighting (such as televisions and computer screens).By helping to stimulate, suppress, or reset the sleep cycle, Blue Light therapy can have significant benefits in relation to the timing, quality and duration of sleep.